Moon in Aquarius // Subliminal Affirmations + Ambient Music + Relaxing Thunder

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With the Moon in Aquarius, we are more inclined to filter our emotions through logic. The Moon wants to see you emotionally release from anything holding you back – patterns, grudges, the past, and perhaps even society itself. Aquarian nature is often described as a balancing act between detachment and humanitarianism. This collection of affirmations helps us all to embody the independent, visionary spirit of this Fixed Air sign.

For those born with this placement, these affirmations can be helpful to sit with anytime the Moon is transiting through Aquarius, or when you need a mental or emotional boost.

Avoid distractions when listening. Protect your heart. Drink water and take breaks. Embrace the changes you see as the present moment unfolds.

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Music by
Artist: Ammil
Track Title: The Tides

I already know the answers are within.

My unique spirit is magnetic.

I always have the power to make a difference.

My authenticity is a magnet for abundance.

I am already released from the opinions of others.

My heart is safe to love.

I am always safe to express my emotions.

My ideas bring peace to the collective.

I always choose inspiration.

My voice fills the world with honesty.

I am already released from old patterns.

My vision is always aligned with utopia.

I am already released from old habits.

The only approval I need is my own.

I already love myself unconditionally.

My passion is connected to the present moment.

I always honor my uniqueness.

My ideas always bring freedom to the world.

I am always connected to my loved ones. 

Every day is a portal to utopia.

I share my thoughts constructively.

I am always connected to my desire to change the world.

My actions always generate global changes.

I am always empowered to work towards peace.

My energy is already aligned with greatness.

I share my talents generously.

My vision for my future is always clear.   

I always choose progress.

My life is already a perfect reflection of me.

I always lead with authenticity. 

My imagination quickly manifests my desires.

I always choose courage.

My connection to my loved ones is always strong.

I am always connected to the collective.

My ideas always open a portal to utopia.

I trust in the power of love.

My heart is always connected to infinite love.

I am always open to new ideas.

My dreams are aligned with equality.

I always trust in my direction toward the future.